Friday, February 7, 2014

King Lear Motif Assignment

Choose a particular monologue or passage of dialogue to analyze. (1) In your analysis demonstrate an understanding of the passage's meaning within its context. (2) Also, identify and discuss the significance of (at least two) motifs within the passage. What does the use of the motifs reveal, particularly about characters, conflicts, and themes? (3) Finally, discuss the relationship between how the motifs are presented in the passage and how the motifs are presented elsewhere in the play. Post your response below. At the beginning of your post include your name, name the motifs, and quote the passages (include act.scene.line).

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Personal Poetry Anthology Directions.

AP English Literature and Composition
Personal Poetry Anthology
1. Email me your theme.
2. Bring typed copies of seven of the fifteen poems to class on ____________________
3. Bring a draft of one of your own poems to class on ____________________
4. Bring a draft of the introduction to class on ____________________
5. Completed project is due ___________________
Theme: ___________________________________
For this assignment, you will prepare a poetry anthology. For our purposes, poetry will include song lyrics. The anthology will be unified by a common theme, and must consist of the following minimal requirements:
Criteria                                                                                                    Title of Poem (Author of Poem)
1. A late sixteenth or seventeenth                        à
century poem (Elizabethan,
Metaphysical, Cavalier)
2.  A nineteenth century poem                             à
(Romantic, Gothic, Victorian)
3.  A twentieth century poem                               à
(modern or post-modern)
4. A twenty-first century poem                             à
5. Lyrics to song                                                     à
6. A sonnet (or poem written in                          à
another traditional form: sestina,
terza rima, rondeau, villanelle, etc.)
7. A poem translated                                             à
from another language
8. A poem that you have written                                à
containing an allusion
9. A poem that you have written                                à
using a traditional or invented form
10. A poem that you have written                              à
that is a strict, loose, or homophonic translation
11. A poem that you have written                              à
in any form
12. Free choice                                                        à
13. “ “                                                                     à
14. “ “                                                                     à
15. “ “                                                                     à

You must include
a. A title page with MLA information (See Compass page ___.)
b. A dedication and epigraph page
c. An introduction (500-1000 words introducing the theme, briefly explaining the relationship between the poems and the theme, and reflecting upon the theme) or a shorter introduction (300 words) with annotations of each poem.**
d. A table of contents with titles, authors, and the criteria fulfilled by each poem
e. A minimum of fifteen (15) separate poems/songs. (See requirements above.)
f. A Works Cited page, including discography (MLA format See Compass page _____)
You may include:
a. More of your own poems, more translations, more poems in any category
b. Illustrations and/or photograph (Art taken from other sources much be cited)
c. More than one song lyric
d. A mixed-CD/mixed-tape with the song(s) and poems