Check your email (or a classmate's email) for the Icarus and Daedalus images and take a look at them. Pick one that strikes you for any reason and take detailed notes about it. How does the author use the myth in his / her own way? How are colors used? How are the figures arranged? What is foregrounded and what is in the background? Does the image reflect the time-period in which it was produced in some way? How does the art you're focusing on compare to the other pieces you looked at? Try to take note of ever little decision that the artist has made in order to frame the myth. Look at your notes afterward and arrange them so that you are prepared to say something about the art at some point. You may want to check with your classmates to make sure you are all not doing the same piece.
Many of you have been involved in art, photography, clay, and drama: use your expertise to make shrewd and perceptive observations about the art for your classmates.
Thanks, and see you after break.